Tuesday, January 30, 2007

...and every product in its place.

Hello Readers! I'm a first-semester senior Integrated Marketing Communications student at Ithaca College. This is my first blog and just happens to be an assignment for my Audience Research class. I want to work in the advertising industry after graduation and decided that blogging about product placement would prove to be extremely interesting and relevant to my future line of work.
Ever since I started studying at IC, I've noticed that I'm more attentive to advertisements in all forms: television, print, outdoor... everything. I notice product placements all the time. Product placements can be defined as the appearance of products in television programs or movies, paid for by the manufacturer or company. For example, a character is shown drinking a beverage, such as Pepsi. Pepsi has paid for their soda product to appear in that particular scene being drank by the character. With my education in advertising, I definitely notice these things, but some people don't. I didn't before I was trained to look for them. It's funny when I'm watching a movie with other people and all of a sudden I see an item of product placement. I can't help but shout out, "Oooh, product placement!" It's almost like a game for me. You should try it. Watch two hours of primetime television and, if you're looking for it, see how many items you can pick out as product placement.

Until next time. Au revoir.